A little about me
I developed a keen interest in languages at a young age during English and Spanish classes and short stays abroad. It naturally led me to study languages at the University of Toulouse 2 (LEA – Applied Foreign Languages – English-Spanish) from 2003 to 2008, a course that included two years abroad (one year in Spain and one year in England).
Upon completing a master’s degree, I moved to Western Canada to perfect my English, immerse myself in an English-speaking culture and explore the natural wonders of British Columbia. After a variety of professional experiences, I decided in 2013 to focus my career on translation. I first joined Best Buy Canada’s in-house translation team in Vancouver for 2 years, while offering at the same time my own services to a varied range of customers. In 2016, I decided to dedicate 100% of my time to my freelance business.
I moved to Montreal a year later, where I fully blended in with the Quebec culture and learnt the specificities of the Canadian French language. In 2019, I decided to deepen my knowledge and develop my expertise in new sectors (literary, environment and technology, medical, audiovisual) by pursuing a postgraduate degree (DESS) in translation at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
I moved back to France in 2022 as a proud Canadian and French dual citizen, and I keep close ties with Quebec and Canada on professional and personal levels. My 12-year life experience on the other side of the Atlantic and multiple experiences abroad have shaped the person I am today. I’m eager to help break down the language barriers between people to make this world more inclusive and sensitive to cultural diversity.
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurés -Département Langues étrangères appliquées
My assets :
• Excellent command of English, French and Spanish.
• More than 10 years of experience in translation/revision
• Great attention to detail and thoroughness at each stage of the project
• Multicultural awareness – I grew up in France and have lived in Spain, the UK and Canada for several years.
• Academic training in Translation (postgraduate degree from UQTR) + Master’s degree in Foreign Languages (English-Spanish) applied to International Affairs